Collection and accumulation are directly proportional

What is collection? A review of "Ci Hai" is actually like this. As the name implies, it is nothing more than the collection and collection. However, the taste is fine, and the richness of the collection is realized.

Collection is an interest. Interest is the introductory teacher. Without interest in stamps, sparks, coins, paintings and calligraphy, it is impossible to care about these collections in daily life, and to find ambiguous, deliberately collecting, collecting, and hiding secret rooms, as treasures.

Collecting is a kind of accumulation. In order to accumulate time, you can gather together and become more and more, just as you can't eat a fat meal, you can't become a collector in one day. It will be beneficial to stick to it for several years. Collections are better than spring silkworms, silkworms, silkworms, spring swallows, mud, nesting, and can only be effective. Collections can't be completed in one battle. It takes years and decades to collect and carefully collect, so that you can make a contribution and become a family.

Collection is a kind of cultivation. No matter what collections are collected, collectors are required to have certain artistic qualities. Because the collection is not only a collection, collection, but also requires a certain identification and appreciation of the collection. Why can a collection expert pass through the ancient and modern times? The key is to know the goods, to know the treasure, to know the history, and to be proficient in culture. Otherwise, the collector is not a collector, but a "squat", only knowing to collect, do not know to sort, discriminate, appreciate. The collection process of collectors is the process of learning and re-learning, accumulating and accumulating, and recultivating and recultivating. The improvement of cultural literacy and the sublimation of moral cultivation are not the beginning and destination of collection.

Collecting is an investment. Collecting is to spend money. In addition to the gifts given by others, most of the collections must be purchased by themselves. Input must-produce output. Therefore, the market of coins, paintings, stamps and jade is still completed. We are not in favor of the collectors who are eager for quick success, do not deny collectors who have made a fortune due to collections, and even admire collectors who have made some gains because of collections, and have a conscience and charity for charitable donations and funding projects of hope.

In short, the collection varies from person to person, and the collection and collection methods and purposes are different. Life is rich and colorful, and collections are also colorful, so you don't have to be strict, you don't have to have a formula.

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